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One Hope Outreach THE HUB Newsletter October 2023

Read the October 2023 issue of THE HUB from One Hope Outreach here.

Dear friends and partners:

You are such a vital part of the work that One Hope Outreach Ministry is called to do. As we work together in the harvest fields of the kingdom, God is counting every prayer and every support as a ministry unto Him.

Mastering your words:

One of the first steps to growing spiritually is learning to master your words.

According to the Bible, (James 3:2) a person that controls his own tongue can bridle his whole body. The tongue used for speaking words is like a rudder on a ship or bit in a horse’s mouth (James 3:3,4). It is a member of our being that has a huge part to play in governing the course of our life.

The apostle Paul says in his letter to the church at Ephesus, let no bad word pass your lips, but only such speech as is good for edification, as occasion may require, words that are gracious and a means of grace to those who hear them. And do not vex God's holy Spirit, by whom you have been sealed for the day of redemption. Drop all bitter feeling and passion and anger and clamoring and insults, together with all malice; be kind to each other, be tenderhearted, be generous to each other as God has been generous to you in Christ. Eph. 4:29-32 (MOFFATT’S)

Words that we speak carry spiritual force and are very powerful for good or bad. On the one hand words can motivate and inspire and on the other hand bring despair and discouragement. As Christians we must clean up our words so that they express the character of Christ likeness.

Jesus said, “the words that we speak come from the heart (Matthew 15:18).” It takes the power of God to clean up the heart and the mouth. The cleaning or mastering our words take our diligent pursuit of God by reading, spending with Him, and meditating His word. The more time spent doing these things the greater strength we will have to take charge of our words.

It is time to begin declaring what God’s word says. Create a new environment for yourself and those around you. Speak words that bring life and give hope. Putting the kindness of God’s word in your mouth will bring you to a higher dimension in your walk with God and with others in your world. So today, begin to master your words, you will like the results.

-Marvin Smith


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