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One Hope Outreach THE HUB Newsletter September 2024

Read the September issue of THE HUB from One Hope Outreach here.

Dear friends and partners:

You are a valued partner with One Hope Outreach Ministry. Thank you for your prayers and financial support. It is a great privilege to work together with so many in the ministry that the Lord has entrusted to us.

Persistent in prayer:

As Christians, prayer must be at the forefront of all that we do. There is no principle in scripture more strongly urged than, men ought to always pray.

In a parable Jesus said - " men ought to always pray and not faint.” {Luke 18:1-8}.

Jesus further teaches in this parable that because of the persistence of a defenseless, persistent widow before an unjust judge, her request for justice was granted and just as this widow was persistent in her pursuit of a favorable conclusion, we as Christians are to be persistent and consistent in our prayers as we pursue God’s plans and purposes here on earth.

The widow appealed to a judge which had no reverence for God, which consequently resulted in his disregard for her rightful appeal before his court. The widow simply wished to have her case fairly evaluated and justice to be served. The widow, because of her persistent appeal, gained a ruling in her favor from an unjust man that, otherwise, she would not have obtained.

God, on the other hand, is not an unjust judge that must be pestered until he grants a petition that he is not inclined to grant. Rather, He is eager to grant our request that is presented before him in all honesty and purity of heart and in alignment with His word.

However, we do have an adversary, the devil, who opposes all that is good, honest and fair. We are to be persistent in pressing through the unseen realm of darkness which seeks to prevent the rule of God’s kingdom in the lives of men and women everywhere.

Persistence in many cases is the requisite for effectual prayer. As the people of God are persistent in prayer, we should expect circumstances and situations to change for the better and that our prayers will bring about a more desired result or outcome altogether for family, friends and our nation.

Today is a good time to begin persistent praying for God’s kingdom to come and that His will be done on earth as it is in heaven; that is; that the influence of God’s rule will govern the affairs of men everywhere, and, “That we live a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” {I Tim. 2:2}.

-Marvin Smith


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